ANA Applauds $5 Million Increase to Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development Programs

Posted 4 months ago in News

Apr 8th 2024


SILVER SPRING, MD – The American Nurses Association (ANA), representing the nation’s more than 5 million registered nurses, is pleased that Congress has approved a $5 million increase for Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development Programs in the Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations package. This increase is an important win that demonstrates strong Congressional support for nursing as most other programs in health care received flat funding. The additional $5 million in funding will specifically support grants to expand the supply of registered nurses, specifically in long-term and acute care settings and in states having the greatest shortages.

“ANA is pleased Congress approved this increase in funding for Title VIII,” said ANA Acting Chief Executive Officer and Chief Nursing Officer Debbie Hatmaker, PhD, RN, FAAN. “When we invest in nurses, we invest in our health and the health of our communities nationwide. This increase in funding serves to better prepare nurses to care for diverse, ageing, and rural populations in addition to supporting them in their education and professional development.”  READ MORE